


Color Expression


Applies an expression to each color.

Color Expressions can be used to tweak color in a single video stream, and can also be used to join two streams together based on the values of each pixel.



Up to four Color Expressions. Color Expressions can use the following variables:

Name Description
w/h The input width/height.
val The input value for the pixel component.

Color Expressions on a single source without blending frames can also use:

Name Description
maxval The maximum value for the pixel component.
minval The minimum value for the pixel component.
negval The negated value for the pixel component value, clipped to the minval-maxval range; it corresponds to the expression “maxval-clipval+minval”.
clip(val) The computed value in val, clipped to the minval-maxval range.
gammaval(gamma) The computed gamma correction value of the pixel component value, clipped to the minval-maxval range. It corresponds to the expression “pow((clipval-minval)/(maxval-minval)\,gamma)*(maxval-minval)+minval”

Color Expressions that combine sources or blend frames can also use:

Name Description
x The first value for the pixel component.
y The second value for the pixel component.
bdx The first input video bit depth.
bdy The second input video bit depth.
Type Required Position PipelineInput
[String[]] true 1 false


The color expression color space. Ignored when joining files.

Valid Values:

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[String] false 2 false


If set, will blend sucessive frames together. Ignored when joining files.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[Switch] false named false


Extension/ColorExpression.RoughDraft.Extension.ps1 [-ColorExpression] <String[]> [[-ColorExpressionColorSpace] <String>] [-BlendFrameColor] [<CommonParameters>]