


Show the tonal scale of the audio


Show the tonal scale of the audio, using the showcqt filter



Show-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowScale


Edit-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowScale -OutputPath .\a.mp4



If set, will show volume

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[Switch] true named false


Specify the video size for the output. Default value is 1920x1080

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 1 false showcqt_size


Set the bargraph height. It must be even. Default value is -1 which computes the bargraph height automatically.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 2 false showcqt_bar_h


Set the axis height. It must be even. Default value is -1 which computes the axis height automatically.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 3 false showcqt_axis_h


Set the sonogram height. It must be even. Default value is -1 which computes the sonogram height automatically.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 4 false showcqt_sono_h


Specify the sonogram volume expression

It can contain variables:

Variable Description
bar_v the bar_v evaluated expression
frequency, freq, f the frequency where it is evaluated
timeclamp, tc the value of timeclamp option

and functions:

Function Description
a_weighting(f) A-weighting of equal loudness
b_weighting(f) B-weighting of equal loudness
c_weighting(f) C-weighting of equal loudness
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 5 false showcqt_sono_v


Specify the bargraph volume expression

It can contain variables:

Variable Description
bar_v the bar_v evaluated expression
frequency, freq, f the frequency where it is evaluated
timeclamp, tc the value of timeclamp option

and functions:

Function Description
a_weighting(f) A-weighting of equal loudness
b_weighting(f) B-weighting of equal loudness
c_weighting(f) C-weighting of equal loudness
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 6 false showcqt_bar_v


Specify the sonogram gamma. Lower gamma makes the spectrum more contrast, higher gamma makes the spectrum having more range. Default value is 3. Acceptable range is [1, 7].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 7 false showcqt_sono_g


Specify the bargraph gamma. Default value is 1.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 8 false showcqt_bar_g


Specify the bargraph transparency level. Lower value makes the bargraph sharper. Default value is 1

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 9 false showcqt_bar_t


Specify the transform timeclamp. At low frequency, there is trade-off between accuracy in time domain and frequency domain. If timeclamp is lower, event in time domain is represented more accurately (such as fast bass drum), otherwise event in frequency domain is represented more accurately (such as bass guitar). Acceptable range is [0.002, 1]. Default value is 0.17.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 10 false showcqt_timeclamp


Set attack time in seconds. The default is 0 (disabled). Otherwise, it limits future samples by applying asymmetric windowing in time domain, useful when low latency is required. Accepted range is [0, 1].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 11 false showcqt_attack


Specify the transform base frequency. Default value is 20.01523126408007475, which is frequency 50 cents below E0. Acceptable range is [10, 100000].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 12 false showcqt_basefreq


Specify the transform end frequency. Default value is 20495.59681441799654, which is frequency 50 cents above D#10 Acceptable range is [10, 100000].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Double] false 13 false showcqt_endfreq


Specify the transform length in time domain.

Use this option to control accuracy trade-off between time domain and frequency domain at every frequency sample.

It can contain variables:

Variable Description
frequency, freq, f the frequency where it is evaluated
timeclamp, tc the value of timeclamp option
Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 14 false showcqt_tlength


Specify the transform count for every video frame. Default value is 6. Acceptable range is [1, 30].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 15 false showcqt_count


Specify the transform count for every single pixel. Default value is 0, which makes it computed automatically. Acceptable range is [0, 10].

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 16 false showcqt_fcount


Set colorspace.

Valid Values:

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Int32] false 17 false showcqt_csp


Specify fontconfig pattern. This has lower priority than fontfile. The : in the pattern may be replaced by | to avoid unnecessary escaping

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String[]] false 18 false showcqt_font


Specify font file for use with freetype to draw the axis. If not specified, use embedded font. Note that drawing with font file or embedded font is not implemented with custom basefreq and endfreq, use axisfile option instead.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 19 false showcqt_fontfile


Specify image file to draw the axis. This option override fontfile and fontcolor option.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 20 false showcqt_axisfile


Enable/disable drawing text to the axis. If it is set to 0, drawing to the axis is disabled, ignoring fontfile and axisfile option. Default value is 1.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Switch] false named false showcqt_axis


Specify font color expression.

This is arithmetic expression that should return integer value 0xRRGGBB.

It can contain variables:

It can contain variables:

Variable Description
frequency, freq, f the frequency where it is evaluated
timeclamp, tc the value of timeclamp option

and functions:

Function Description
midi(f) midi number of frequency f, some midi numbers: E0(16), C1(24), C2(36), A4(69)
r(x), g(x), b(x) red, green, and blue value of intensity x.

Default value is st(0, (midi(f)-59.5)/12); st(1, if(between(ld(0),0,1), 0.5-0.5cos(2PI*ld(0)), 0)); r(1-ld(1)) + b(ld(1)).

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false 21 false showcqt_fontcolor


Extension/ShowScale.RoughDraft.Extension.ps1 -ShowScale [[-ShowScaleSize] <String>] [[-ShowScaleBarGraphHeight] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleAxisHeight] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleSonogramHeight] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleSonogramVolume] <String>] [[-ShowScaleBarGraphVolume] <String>] [[-ShowScaleSonogramGamma] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleBarGraphGamma] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleBarGraphTransparency] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleTimeclamp] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleAttack] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleBaseFrequency] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleEndFrequency] <Double>] [[-ShowScaleTransformLength] <String>] [[-ShowScaleTransformCount] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleTransformPixelCount] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleColorspace] <Int32>] [[-ShowScaleFont] <String[]>] [[-ShowScaleFontFile] <String>] [[-ShowScaleAxisFile] <String>] [-ShowScaleHideAxis] [[-ShowScaleFontColorExpression] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]